- State of the Industry: Art Dealers in the U.S.
- State of the Industry: Book Stores in the U.S.
- State of the Industry: Confectionery Stores in the U.S.
- State of the Industry: Cosmetics, Beauty Supply, and Perfume Stores in the U.S.
- State of the Industry: Floor Covering Stores in the U.S.
- State of the Industry: Florists in the U.S.
- State of the Industry: Furniture Stores in the U.S.
- State of the Industry: Health Food Stores in the U.S.
- State of the Industry: Hobby, Toy, and Game Stores in the U.S.
- State of the Industry: Jewelry Stores in the U.S.
- State of the Industry: Musical Instrument and Supply Stores in the U.S.
- State of the Industry: Nursery, Garden Center, and Farm Supply Stores in the U.S.
- State of the Industry: Pet Stores in the U.S.
- State of the Industry: Sporting Goods Stores in the U.S.
- State of the Industry: Window Treatment Stores in the U.S.